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Published on 08/03/2023



The NCLC Learning Resource Center finds its beginnings in 2002 as NCLC’s Library a hub for teaching and learning print resources. In 2020, with the advent of technology, it envisions itself as a 21st Century Learning Resource Center that acts as a central hub for interactive and engaging teaching and learning resources and services. It employs a hybrid library system of traditional print, digital systems, and online library services. It aims to be the essential partner to successful learning and teaching. Furthermore, it follows NCLC’s thrust of providing an inclusive, learner-centered, happy, and safe learning environment for all its patrons.


The NCLC LRC envisions itself as an essential partner for successful learning and teaching, fostering a positive and safe learning environment that utilizes the highest quality of traditional and contemporary educational resources and tools.


The NCLC LRC provides dynamic and engaging spaces, resources, and services that empower its users to discover, apply, and create knowledge.


Inclusive access ensures that public space and digital content are accessible to all. The NCLC LRC broad scope promotes greater awareness and sensitivity toward a more diverse group of users, preventing discriminatory barriers.

Knowledge-oriented. The library creates, shares, and spreads knowledge to facilitate effective learning and teaching. It also empowers users by giving them access to information, letting them control their own learning or teaching, and making the most of the library's resources.

Learner-centered. We foster collaborative dynamic learning environments that meet the unique needs of our students. We model positive relationships and a community that values students' individual learning styles.

Service-oriented. As an essential partner, we maintain positive relationships with our patrons through excellent service that allows them to complete their works more efficiently and effectively.

Welcoming. We focus on providing a center and services that make stakeholders feel at ease and secure while supporting their academic and professional goals. We also hope to form intellectual and cultural partnerships with other libraries, agencies, and organizations.

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